Iyyun: (ee-YUN) (hebrew) mindful examination; deep
exploration; introspection
IYYUN, an organization dedicated to the study and experience
of Jewish spirituality, explores the three dimensions of human
reality: The Mind, The Heart and The Body.
IYYUN creates opportunities for people of all backgrounds to
deeply examine and understand the intellectual, emotional and
physical within themselves in the light of Jewish spiritual teachings
and the wisdom of the Torah.
IYYUN seeks to unify the disparate intellectual, emotional and
physical dimensions of the human experience into a complete whole,
empowering men and women to realize their full potential and
together, build a global spiritual community.
- BODY- The Iyyun Center for Jewish Enrichment
- HEART- Beis Eliyahu, The Iyyun Shul- Synagogue
- MIND- The Iyyun Yeshiva and Study Programs
1) The Body: Iyyun Maaseh- to deeply experience the Mitzvot
in Jewish ritual and tradition
IYYUN: The Center for Jewish Enrichment
The IYYUN Center is a space for personal growth and transformation
through the rich teachings of Torah and the experiences of Jewish
The center provides a welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere
for people of all backgrounds to experience the deeply intellectual
and emotional experiences of Judaism brought to life in a vibrant
and joyous setting.
By combining the deep teachings of the Torah with activities
such as Chanukah Celebrations, Purim Parties, Pesach Seders,
Lag B’Omer Gatherings, Summer and Holiday Retreats, High
Holiday Events, Weekly Torah Jam, Women’s Rosh Chodesh Circle
and various social actions, the IYYUN center communicates the
soul meaning of Jewish tradition with joy, love and openness.
2) Heart: Iyyun Tefillah: To meditate on the meaning of Prayer
Beis Eliyahu, The Iyyun Shteibel is a synagogue without doors,
where all are welcome to experience prayer and Jewish meditation
in an open, warm and spiritual atmosphere.
The Iyyun Shteibel, is a place to engage in the experience of
prayer- “avodat ha’lev –the work of the
heart”. An introspective, deeply personal experience, prayer
and meditation with Iyyun is an opportunity to examine and develop
one’s deepest self and embark on the process of personal
No reservations, no membership and no fees. The Iyyun Shteibel
is open to all and drop-ins are always welcome.
3) Mind : Iyyun Torah- To study the Torah deeply
IYYUN offers a bold approach to Jewish study, making the deep
wisdom of the Torah accessible to men and women of all backgrounds
and intellectual experiences. The IYYUN Yeshiva, study courses,
private classes, lectures, publications and interactive online
video and audio learning create a rich intellectual dialogue
on Torah and Jewish spirituality as they relate to the human
The IYYUN Yeshivah
The IYYUN Yeshiva is a vibrant Jewish educational center that
provides authentic Torah learning in an open and inclusive environment.
The Yeshiva provides students with the opportunity to study in
an intellectually stimulating and spiritually rich environment
as well as a forum to integrate this growth into both artistic
expression and daily life.
The Yeshiva nourishes spirituality while encouraging critical
thought and the building of community. In addition to the Semicha
Rabbinics program, with advance study on Yore De’ah, men
and women from across the cultural spectrum are invited to engage
with Torah, wrestle with Talmud, and delve into the teachings
of the Kabbalah.
The Yeshiva is currently comprised of men and women from all
over New York City and beyond. Students come from a variety of
religious, cultural, and educational backgrounds and vary in
age from 25 to 65. They are united by a love for Judaism, a passion
for inquiry, and a commitment to living a life of integrity.
- CLASSES: In addition to classes at the Yeshiva, Rabbi
Pinson presents classes weekly around the city, as posted on
the website, and travels worldwide to lecture.
- PUBLICATIONS: Books and publications. IYYUN publishes
original Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Prayer Books with explanation
and Kabbalistic meditations. Original Chanukah and Purim readers
and guides are produced annually.
- VIDEO & AUDIO: A new dimension of IYYUN is currently
in the works with interactive video and audio study soon to be
made available through the IYYUN website.
Rav DovBer is a world-renowned scholar, author, thinker, and
beloved spiritual teacher. Through his books and lectures, he
has touched and inspired the lives of thousands. Amongst his
published works are:
Reincarnation & Judaism:
The Journey of the Soul
(Publisher: Jason Aronson)
A fascinating analyzes of the concept of reincarnation as
it appears in the works of the Kabbalistic masters, as well as
how it is discussed by the great thinkers throughout history.
Dipping into the fountain of ancient wisdom and modern understandings,
the book addresses and answers such basic questions as: what
is reincarnation?; Why does it occur? and how does it affect
us personally?
Inner Rhythms:
The Kabbalah of Music
(Jason Aronson)
The study of music as response is explored in this highly
engaging book. Music and its effects in every aspect of our lives
are looked at in the perspective of mystical Judaism and the
Kabbalah. The topics range from Deveikut-Oneness, creating soulular
fusion, to Yichudim-unifications, merging heaven and earth, to
the more personal issues, such as Simcha-happiness, expressing
joy, to the means of utilizing music to medicate the sad soul.
Ultimately, using music to inspire genuine transformation.
Meditation & Judaism:
Exploring the Jewish Meditative Paths
(Publisher: Roman & Littelfield)
A comprehensive work on Jewish meditation, encompassing the
entire spectrum of Jewish thought--from the early Kabbalists
to the modern Chassidic and Mussar masters, the sages of the
Talmud to the modern philosophers--this book includes them all.
Within this book, the author has explored a variety of fascinating
and intriguing topics such as: panoscopic vision, spiritual synesthesia,
the Torah's view of psychic powers, powers that seem to be innate.
What is black magic?; What is the Koach HaTumah--the impure powers?
What is the definition of Jewish spirituality? The Ayin--nothingness
of the Kabbalah as opposed to the nothingness taught in other
disciplines, and much more.
Toward the Infinite:
The Way of Kabbalistic Meditation.
(Roman & Littelfield)
The book focuses exclusively on one Kabbalistic approach to
meditation. Encompassing the entire meditative experience, it
takes the reader on a comprehensive and engaging journey through
meditation. The journey begins with the readying of oneself for
meditation. The preparatory stage is discussed at length, dealing
with issues such as the time of day most conducive to meditation,
the meditative positions, etc. The journey continues with the
actual meditative experience, the various states of consciousness
that a person encounters in the course of the meditation, beginning
at a level of extreme self-awareness and concluding with a total
state of Ayin-nothingness and non-awareness.
Jewish Wisdom of the Afterlife :
The Myths, the Mysteries & Meanings
(Publisher: Q&A Publishers)
A fascinating glimpse into the world of consciousness, the
near death experience, and life-after- life. Drawing from the
fountain of ancient Jewish wisdom and modern understanding of
what consciousness is, this book explores the possibilities of
surviving death, the near-death-experience, a possible glimpse
of the peace and unconditional love that awaits.
Reclaiming the Self:
The Path of Teshuvah & Personal Transformation.
(Publisher: Ben Yehuda 2008)
The book explores the inner process of self – transformation
and shows us ways we can learn to live responsibly, non-judgmentally,
and with openness. Drawing from a wealth of Jewish wisdom, from
philosophical, ethical and Kabbalistic literature the book lays
out a path of harmony and integration, and a way to include all
of our past in the powerful moment of the now.
Awakening through Kabbalah:
32 Gates of Wisdom
(Ben Yehuda. 2008)
From absolute Oneness to apparent Multiplicity. In 32 gates
the book explores the Seder Histalshelus - the Kabbalistic great
chain of being, with meditative practices along the way
Rabbi Pinson is an internationally acclaimed speaker and has
lectured in both scholarly and lay settings throughout the globe.
Rabbi Pinson is the Rosh Yeshiva of the IYYUN Yeshiva and heads
the IYYUN center.
IYYUN Center
450 Union St
Between Bond & Nevins
Brooklyn NY
To send a donation please make checks out to
And send to
IYYUN /co Pinson
232 Bergen St
Brooklyn NY
(All donations are tax deductable)