Mazel Tov!!
We are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as we announce that IYYUN has purchased a home!
We thank all of you for your tremendous response and support!
It is said that something that is purchased in the month of Adar will be ‘Adir’ – strong and everlasting.
650 Sackett Street is not just a building anymore, it is a ‘mishkan’ – a place of holiness and inspiration, serving to illuminate the world!
We welcome all of you to celebrate with us at the grand opening of the new IYYUN Center, where we will begin writing a Torah in honor of the new location!
We will be sending more information in a future email, Gd willing.
Thank you all again for your overwhelming support and belief in the work we are doing!
May we all merit much joy in our personal lives and in our shared community!
Rav DovBer and Rochie Pinson
and Friends of IYYUN