Classes with Rav DovBer Pinson and IYYUN

Rav Dovber Pinson offers ongoing weekly classes, special lecture series, women’s classes and opportunities for more in-depth study.

Classes by Rav DovBer Pinson

Sunday Mornings: Gemarah

Sunday Mornings: Gemarah


with Rav Pinson

9:45 am
following Shacharis

Gemara Baba Metziyah
In depth study of Shenayim Ochazin

@ The IYYUN Center

Click for Directions

Monday Evenings Class

Monday Evenings Class


Monday Evenings at 7:10pm – 8:10pm

Beyond relaxation and quieting the mind, these practices are a means to become centered, to wean ourselves from identifying with externals and to redirect our focus toward the Center of all reality, the Creator. By doing so we forge a connection between the self and the Divine, cleansing any negative influence that may have been a barrier.


class is no longer in manhattan.
Please stay posted for starting date in Brooklyn, at the IYYUN Center

thank you

Tuesday: Halacha/Yoreh De'ah

Tuesday: Halacha/Yoreh De’ah


4:45pm – 6:30

Advanced Class
Halacha. Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah.

Hebrew skills are required.
Part of the IYYUN Semicha Program

New Cycle Began on May/2013


Please contact for details.

@ The IYYUN Center

click for directions

Wednesday Evening: Lecture Series

Wednesday Evening: Lecture Series

Wednesday Evening Lecture Series

Special lecture Series @ The IYYUN Center

@The IYYUN Center

The Lecture Series are broadcast over the internet – Those who are interested in joining remotely may sign up for the class in advance and receive access via skype or other similar program.

Thursday Midnight: Ramchal

Thursday Midnight: Ramchal

Thursday Midnight: RAMCHAL

Advanced class on the Ramchal’s Klach Pischei Chachmah.

Thursday at Midnight.
Advanced students with Hebrew skills.

By Reservation Only

Please email for details.

@The IYYUN Center

Friday Evenings: Zohar

Friday Evenings: Zohar

Friday Evenings: Zohar

with Rav Pinson

Bring in the Shabbat with the teachings of the Zohar related to the Torah reading of the week.

Every Friday (Erev Shabbos) Evening

7:15 pm – 8:00pm

@The IYYUN Center


Shabbos Day: Baal Shem Tov on Prayer

Shabbos Day: Baal Shem Tov on Prayer

Shabbos Day: Baal Shem Tov on Prayer


Shabbos Day: 7:00 pm – until end of Shabbos.

Join Rav Pinson for a soul enriching Seudah Shlishit –

As the day turns to night – we experience the effect of natural light, celebrating the closing of Shabbat in gradual darkness, with song and study. The deeper teachings of the Baal Shem Tov on Tefilah /Prayer




Saturday Night: Kumsitz learning

Saturday Night: Kumsitz learning

In the winter months only – Replaces Seudah Shlishit class

Saturday night/ Motzoei Shabbos: Kumsitz

Begins half hour after Shabbos ends:

Havdalah service and Kumsitz Melave Malka

Kumzitz with Rav Pinson and Live Music

Classes by Rebbetzin Rochie

The Kabbalah Series: The Secret of the Snake & the Garden of Eden

The Kabbalah Series: The Secret of the Snake & the Garden of Eden

Wednesday, Oct 9th 7:30 pm at the IYYUN Center and via Live Web Streaming

The Kabbalah Series by Rav DovBer Pinson: Brokenness and Longing

The Kabbalah Series by Rav DovBer Pinson: Brokenness and Longing

This Wednesday! at the IYYUN Center and Live-Streaming from your computer at home!

The Kabbalah Series: Reincarnation and the Journey of Life

The Kabbalah Series: Reincarnation and the Journey of Life

A fascinating glimpse into the world of souls & purpose Two Wednesdays: May 29th and June 5th at the IYYUN Center and Via Live Streaming to your computer!

Also check out our events page.

The Yeshiva

IYYUN offers a bold approach to Jewish study, making the deep wisdom of the Torah accessible to men and women of all backgrounds and intellectual experiences. The IYYUN Yeshiva, study courses, private classes, lectures, publications and interactive online video and audio learning create a rich intellectual dialogue on Torah and Jewish spirituality as they relate to the human experience.

The IYYUN Yeshiva is a vibrant Jewish educational center that provides authentic Torah learning in an open and inclusive environment. The Yeshiva provides students with the opportunity to study in an intellectually stimulating and spiritually rich environment as well as a forum to integrate this growth into both artistic expression and daily life.

Rabbinics Program

The Yeshiva nourishes spirituality while encouraging critical thought and the building of community. In addition to the Semicha program, with advanced study on Yore De’ah, men and women from across the cultural spectrum are invited to engage with Torah, wrestle with Talmud, and delve into the teachings of the Kabbalah.

The Yeshiva is comprised of men and women from all over New York City and beyond. Students come from a variety of religious, cultural, and educational backgrounds and vary in age from 25 to 65. They are united by a love for Judaism, a passion for inquiry, and a commitment to living a life of integrity.