
Yom Kippur: Resting from Physicality

Yom Kippur: Resting from Physicality

B"H Resting from our Job/Money/Appearance/ Status/Power & Revealing our True Identity. Rav DovBer Pinson RESTING FROM PHYSICALITY On two separate occasions in the Torah, Yom Kippur is referred to as the Shabbos of Shabbos, the resting of rest, the being of pure being. The first time is Vayikra 16:31 where it states that, "Shabbos

Rosh Hashanah: The Sounds of the Shofar Explored

Rosh Hashanah: The Sounds of the Shofar Explored

The shofar is the midwife of the new year. Into its piercing cry we squeeze all our heartfelt prayers, all our tears, our very souls.

Yom Kippur: Reclaiming Your Essential Self

Yom Kippur: Reclaiming Your Essential Self

Amongst all other holidays, Yom Kippur is acknowledged as the most holy and sublime. On a simple level, it appears that Yom Kippur is a day

Sukkot; Inner Space

Sukkot; Inner Space

Sukkot: Inner Space Everybody wants a home, if not a home, at least an apartment or personal room to call their own. Deeply we all quest a secure a place where we can just be ourselves; somewhere we can let down our garbs and guards. To the people around us we are always

Sukkot/Coming Home - Tears of Transformation

Sukkot/Coming Home – Tears of Transformation

Coming Home: Tears of Transformation Over the years, a custom has developed that on Rosh Hashanah, during the course of the day, we go out to a living body of water with lively fish swimming therein and symbolically cast away our unwanted negative baggage. We take hold of our negativities, the devastating

Chanukah: Of Lights & Man

Chanukah: Of Lights & Man

Lights seem to speak to us in a very deep way, particularly those gentle lights that dance atop of candles. There are few visuals that are as warming to us as the sight of a burning flame, a pure simple flame luminous and ethereal. To the mind, lights and festivities also

Purim: What's in a Name?

Purim: What’s in a Name?

THE NAME PURIM: To fully grasp the power, and unpack the spiritual significance of this holiday, we need to explore its name, Purim.

The Simanim: Fifteen Steps to Liberation in the Passover Seder

The Simanim: Fifteen Steps to Liberation in the Passover Seder

Pesach is not merely the celebration of a past event. It is an open gate to spiritual liberation that manifests every year, in every generation.

Pesach: On the Road toward Maturity

Pesach: On the Road toward Maturity

The objective of the Exodus is true freedom, which was reached with the giving of the Torah. Torah is the blueprint and very foundation of all creation. Integrating the Torah deeply into our lives connects us with the ultimate, unrestricted, uninterrupted flow of creation—its authentic freedom.