
In the Press

“One of the greatest scholars of Kabbalah today.”

Yediot Achronot (Largest Israeli Newspaper, Nov, 2009)

“An original thinker who displays remarkable erudition”

Publishers Weekly. (Sep 1999)

“The ‘Rashi’ of contemporary culture.”

LA Jewish Journal (Dec. 2009)

“A creative and original thinker.”

Jewish Book Club (1996)

“A prolific author, spiritual mentor, and kabbalist”

The Jewish Week (2007)

Personal Encounters

“Reading Rav DovBer Pinson’s writings was a great pleasure, brilliant, creative, and with tremendous erudition. I enjoyed them immensely .”

– Harav Yitzchok Meir Morgenstern

“Reb DovBer Pinson is The current authentic voice to mediate the hidden teachings of Jewish mysticism in a way that can be apprehended by the contemporary seeker. His teachings and presence resonate very deeply with those he comes in contact with. He is blessed with a brilliant mind and an open and caring heart. His teachings stimulate the mind expand the heart and reveal the soul of the Torah in a way that makes the transformation.”

– R. Zalman Schachter

“The Jewish people, and the world at large, are blessed by his contributions…a great source of inspiration to many people”

–R. Dr. Jonathon Sacks

From Students of Rav DovBer Pinson

at the IYYUN Yeshivah and at the IYYUN Center

With his gentle manner and penetrating gaze, to study with Rav DovBer is to be transported and elevated, reaching deeper into your own mind and soul than you thought possible. The language of the Torah and the secrets of the Kabbalah become relevant and integrated. Everything is illuminated and clear, I emerge from his class rejuvenated and inspired. Rav Pinson offers more than just teaching – it is a way of being and a journey to your better self.

—Francesco K.

Rav DovBer Pinson has the amazing talent to simplify and shed light on hard-to-understand
topics, yet at the same time he isn’t hesitant to dive into advanced materials.
I look forward to each day for his classes. Allowing the concepts and
materials to rearrange themselves inside my head as well as make their journey into my heart.

– Alok Zemach Zohar

Rav DovBer Pinson is a master teacher of the highest caliber.
His personality and philosophy is appealing to among many young and currently minimally observant writers, artists, and musicians.
The breadth and depth of his knowledge allows him to relate to all people. Very few people have the capacity he has to reach out and touch these lives.

– Mattisyahu Brown

Rav DovBer Pinson’s teaching abilities, understanding of intricate and complex Talmudic, Chassidic and kabalistic discourses is a breath of fresh air
to all who have studied with him.  It is truly amazing to drink from the still and deep torah waters that
Rav Pinson is able to provide for the thirsting young scholars and students that gather to his many classes, workshops, lectures.

– Chaim Levine

Rav DovBer Pinson has a gift to blend rational and critical thinking with deep mystical understanding, it is an honor and privilege to be able to learn with him.

– Yuri Foreman