Articles with the “kohanim/preists” tag

Netilas Yadayim: Lifting the Five Senses of Separateness

Netilas Yadayim: Lifting the Five Senses of Separateness

We take a cup of water—with its chesed of natural undifferentiated seamless whole—and we empty it on gevurah, thus receiving the power to transform restrictions and concealment into vastness and openness.

Birkat Kohanim: Priestly Blessings & Prophetic Revelation

Birkat Kohanim: Priestly Blessings & Prophetic Revelation

When a blessing is bestowed, what is accomplished is the joining of the source of blessing above with the person below. In effect, nothing new happens. The blessing merely activates the existing source of the blessing above and reveals it below.

Energy of the Week: Parshas Mishpatim

Energy of the Week: Parshas Mishpatim

Resetting our Moral Compass: This week’s Torah reading imbues us with the energy to effect repair, or Tikkun, for interpersonal issues, particularly in regard to monetary dealings and any dishonorable financial behaviors.