Inaugural Shabbos and Kiddush! Shabbos Hagadol - March 31st

Inaugural Shabbos and Kiddush! Shabbos Hagadol – March 31st

Join us on Shabbat Hagadol,
for a celebratory Shabbos and Kiddush,
Inaugurating the New IYYUN Center!


Friday Evening:7:00 pm – Zohar on the Parsha
7:45 – Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbos Day: 10:00 am – Shacharit Service
10:45 am – Torah Reading

Kiddush Lunch: 12:30 pm

Kiddush Lunch is sponsored by:

Mattisyahu Brown and Rachel Ravitz
our resident ‘ba’al tefillah’ and his dear wife!

in honor of the birth of their beloved daughters,
Rut Rayati and Serach Yonati.
Chava Forster and Ephraim Mordechai Lewis
Two of our very first founding members, and our resident ‘Kohen Gadol!’
in honor of the new building and the many blessings that will occur there

Kiddush Lunch will be Pareve, Fish Luncheon

We are looking very forward to celebrating this momentous occasion with all of you!

The New IYYUN Center
650 Sackett Street
Between 3rd and 4th avenue

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