Bat Kol: Women's Circle

Bat Kol: Women’s Circle


Please Join Us for a Bat Kol Evening

Saturday Eve  – September 17th, at 8:45 PM

For all of those who were at our last Bat Kol evening – we look forward to seeing you again and recreating the most beautiful and intimate atmosphere! For those of you who couldn’t make it – this is your chance!

Join us for this evening of giving and receiving light. Hearing our own voice and listening to others.

Rochie will lead us in a teaching on the energy of the month of Elul, as we prepare ourselves for the awesome days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – we will discuss the theme of ‘Guilt!’  As Jewish daughters, sisters and mothers, we know a little bit about guilt :) but do we really?  is it necessary? is it helpful? what can we do about it?

Please feel free to bring your thoughts, stories, poems and songs to join the discussion!

We will drink wine, eat chocolate, cheese and other yummy treats and absorb the most wonderful energy there is, the love and support that we give each other.

8:45 pm at the Pinson home – 232 Bergen Street (between Bond and Nevins – side entrance)

$10 cover
RSVP greatly appreciated!

email Melissa Keinan at
and let us know if you can come (and are bringing friends – always welcome!)

What is a Bat Kol evening?
Wine, chocolate, cheese, sweet Torah and meditation.
Sharing our music, art and thoughts in a warm and welcoming space.
Please feel welcome to bring something to share – a thought, poem, song, teaching or anything that is close to your heart.

With love and blessings, Rochie Pinson & the women of Bat Kol

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