Megillah and Mimosas!

Megillah and Mimosas!

Join us at IYYUN

for a perfect Purim Morning!

Tuesday Morning, March 10th @ 10 am
at IYYUN Center

  • Shacharit Service: 10:00 am
  • Followed by Megillah Reading: 10:45 am
  • Lavish Brunch Spread – Bring on the Mimosas!: 11:15 am

Bring Mishloach Manot and exchange with others in the Community!


The Four Mitzvot of Purim:
You can do them all here, on Purim morning!

1. Megillah: Listen to Megillah (2 times – both at night and during the day)

2. Matanot L’evyonim: Give Charity to the Poor! (Rav Pinson will be collecting funds at the Brunch to distribute to the needy)

3. Mishloach Manot: Gifts of Food to our Friends (at least 2 types of ready to eat foods, to at least 1 friend)

4. Purim Seudah: A festive meal to celebrate the holiday!

also – at the Brunch Seudah Rav Pinson will be doing the Machatzit Hashekel Service.

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