As we get closer to pesach – and some of us get frantic about cleaning
it’s great to take a step back, and remember what Pesach is all about!
we talk about ‘freedom,’ ‘chametz,’ etc…- but what does it really mean, and seriously
what does cleaning the house have to do with anything G-dly!?
This is a special opportunity, pre-pesach, to talk about what Pesach means to us, why it is relevant, and the deeper spiritual significance of all the things we do this season. So this year, when we sit at the Seder we will really experience Pesach as it was meant to be!
Please join us
Tuesday Evening, March 12th
8:30 pm
Please email rochie@iyyun.com for location
This class will put you in the right frame of mind for Pesach this year!
Refreshments will be served.
Donations towards the new IYYUN Center are gratefully accepted.
Suggested Donation: $10
looking very much forward to seeing all of you -
and of course – please feel welcome to bring friends, and spread the word!