video > Self-Empowerment

Self-Empowerment: Featured video


Balance: Balancing means to create internal alignment.

Sometimes we must resort to extremes to achieve balance.
Our lower self propels us to move to a higher place, our higher self is content.
Use internal conflict to achieve a higher balance.

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Rav Pinson speaks on Anger

Anger: The origins of anger.

The Hebrew word for anger has the same numeric value of one of G-d’s names. This name means “I am what I am.” It is the idea of “becoming.” If angry, meditate on this name. …


Embracing Uncertainty

Embracing Uncertainty


Transform Your Life

Transform Your Life: Transformation through altered consciousness.

We create a reality for ourselves and make decisions based on that reality. If we believe we’re not good people then we will make bad choices. We should think of our best moments …


Projecting Miracles: Rav Pinson on the Miraculous

Entering the Miraculous Month of Nisan.



Hardship: Suffering is optional.

We can interpret hardship negatively or we can find the good in it. We should ask, “What is this experience teaching me?” If we feel connected to a loss, we should ask, “should I feel this …



Balance: Balancing means to create internal alignment.

Sometimes we must resort to extremes to achieve balance.
Our lower self propels us to move to a higher place, our higher self is content.
Use internal conflict to achieve a higher balance.…



Jealousy: How to rid ourselves of jealousy.

The last commandment is “do not be jealous. “This is connected with the first commandment: “I am G-d.” Jealousy is when we feel that something belongs to us. Life is a gift and …



Indifference: Indifference comes from non-attachment.

Our egos drive us to be selfish.

As we progress we learn to share and let go of attachment.

Some attachment is positive. The only way to learn this is to abandon attachment, then reconnect.…



Healing: Energy balance affects health.

A default in one of our levels of self, will block energy flow into the body. Working on our thoughts and emotions can help the energy flow properly and heal us. If you’re clogged in …


Wants vs Needs

Wants vs Needs: We have to nullify our will to G-d.

This will lead to us making G-d’s will our will. We must view desire objectively. If we then decide we still desire it, so does G-d. In this way …



Self-worth: Focus on positive character traits.

Realize that some of our actions are inevitably not good. Try to recall good things we’ve done. They reflect the good and pure souls we are given. If we focus on our positive aspects …



Self-esteem: Not everyone is supposed to be the same.

If someone is a little different, he should understand that it’s ok. G-d chooses to express himself through different types of people.



Purpose: What gives us joy gives us purpose.

Things that make us feel the most alive are the positive things in our lives.

We should pursue the positive and overcome the negative to fulfill our purpose.

We must look inward …


Self Discovery

Self Discovery: People mimic others and then feel unfulfilled.

After each day, ask yourself what you did that made you feel most alive that day.
Find patterns in what you are passionate about. Reflect.